April 30th

BLSA Advanced Bushwalking Leader Course

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Become an accredited Walk Leader with this nationally recognised course. 

This involves training in the more advanced skills which are relevant to longer walks in more rugged and isolated areas.

  • – Maximum time for completion, 18 months.
  • – This programme aims at developing a high degree of skill and experience in leadership suitable for longer bushwalks, including prolonged expeditions in remote and difficult mountain areas.

This course trains outdoor enthusiasts with experience and skills in bushwalking to a standard appropriate to lead groups of less experienced adults or dependent groups (including students) on bushwalking trips.

On completion, the successful candidate is endorsed to lead walks:

  • – Of extended journeys of a more demanding nature
  • – In Remote & Mountainous Areas of South Eastern Australia
  • – That can be off track in difficult conditions
  • – Beyond a half day walk of emergency assistance
  • – You will also require specific units that will need to be completed to enable Alpine leading.

No experience is implied in such specialised skills as mountaineering, rockclimbing, skiing, etc. The certificate DOES NOT imply competence and capability in these specialised areas.

Each candidate is allocated an Advisor, an experienced bushwalker who assists in developing the candidate’s leadership skills.

The Advisor may also recommend that the candidate undertakes additional bushwalking experience before being assessed.

Assessment includes:

General Mountain Training

The candidate participates in a peer-oriented advanced and difficult trip of at least five days duration in a remote arid mountainous area (or alpine), led by an Advanced Instructor. The trip could involve arid or alpine environments.

Interim Training

A Minimum of 14 Days Bushwalking Experience. To include at least:

  • – 1 x 4-day walk in Central to Northern Flinders (north of Hawker)*
  • – 1 x 4-day walk I the highland areas of the Eastern States or Tasmania.*
    * The trainee must fulfil a leadership role in at least one of these.
  • – 2 x 3-day walks as leader
    •       – The log of walks listed above must contain at least
    •       – one walk in hot and dry conditions within the total program of experience

Written Assessment Papers

Written assessment papers consist of navigation, incident response and route planning.

Please make an independent arrangement with your adviser to complete this or contact the office to arrange for another adviser to supervise your exam.


October 8, 2016
October 14, 2016
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