Advocacy, Engagement and Media

Outdoors Sector Advocacy & Media Engagement

Outdoors SA undertakes ongoing advocacy actions at a state and national level to support the outdoors sector in SA.

We are happy to talk to any media outlet about what is happening in the amazing outdoors community in South Australia. Please Contact us to discuss how we can work together.

Recent media stories.

ABC Breakfast Radio
Outdoors SA board spokesperson Luke Duncan spoke to the team at ABC Radio

Social Media Video for ‘SA Kids Need Camps’ campaign.

Through industry connections Outdoors SA was able to bring together a collaboration of outdoor providers in the social media campaign SA Kids Need Camps to bring school camps back on line. Thanks to Active Education for their support in developing this amazing video content that explains the value of that school camps brings to the community.

ABC Digital Reporter Alice Dempser talks to Outdoors SA

SA outdoor education operators plead for clarity on return to school camps

South Australia’s outdoor education operators say extended restrictions on school camps and a lack of financial assistance has left them in crisis, with no end in sight.

ABC Digital Reporter Alice Dempser talks to Outdoors SA
South Australia’s outdoor education sector has warned its future looks “dire” if COVID-19 restrictions and a lack of financial assistance continue to plague providers who heavily rely on school bookings for income.
InDaily Digital reporter Jemma Chapman talks to Outdoors SA
Outbreaks of COVID-19 have forced classroom shutdowns at four South Australian primary schools this week, as outdoor education operators plead for the return of excursions and camps.
InDaily Digital reporter Jemma Chapman update 10 March 2022.
Children who are classroom contacts of COVID cases at school can now take part in extracurricular activities such as school sport, excursions and camps if they are symptom-free, under changes to isolation rules.
Adelaide Advertiser reporter Miles Kemp talks to Outdoors SA

Kids left out in cold over camps

Outdoor educators are angry their children’s camps are banned despite many similar activities – including club sports – still operating under COVID-19 restrictions.