Adventure Activity Standards (AAS): How do they affect my tourism business?
In collaboration with SATIC, Outdoors SA are presenting Service IQ workshops on Adventure Activity Standards, and how they may affect your tourism business. If you run a camps facility or a tourism business that involves adventure activities such as bushwalking, canoeing/ kayaking, four wheel driving, horse trail riding or surfing, to name just a few, then you should attend this workshop. The new and revised Australian Adventure Activities Standards have just been released and this is your chance to hear from one of its key contributors.
Trainer: Andrew Govan, CEO | Wilderness Escape Outdoor Adventures
When: Tuesday, 19 February | 10:00am – 1:00pm
Where: Lakes Hotel, 141 Brebner Drive, West Lakes SA 5021
$40 – SATIC / ATEC / YATEC members
$50 – Non-members
Morning tea supplied
RSVP: Tuesday, 12 February
Click below link for more information and registration
Summary of session:
- Do you know what the Adventure Activity Standards (AAS) are?
- Are you aware that they have existed in South Australia for over a decade?
- Did you know they are part of your Depart of Environment and Water CTO application process to access national parks as well as the accreditation process for the Australian Tourism Accreditation Program?
A short three hour session will outline the history of the State AAS from development to implementation of the Australian Standards in 2019. You will develop a map of your current accreditation and compliance needs as a tourism business in our brilliant state.
This valuable information session is an initiative of Outdoors South Australia, in conjunction with SATIC, to help organisations to follow the good practice guidance system. The session will help you gain a perspective about your organisation in relation to how you provide outdoor activities in your tours.
By attending this event you will be able to perform a self assessment on how your business or organisation meets the Australian Adventure Activity Standards, and map out some possible actions in order to update their practices to comply with the new standards that will be released.
Key Take outs:
- A clear understanding of the SA and AAAS
- A clear understanding of your compliance requirements with the SA and AAAS
- Why the standards are important for the industry and how they can help your business
- An understanding of the framework for employee qualifications
- A checklist of actions to implement over 2019 and beyond to meet the standards
Opportunities for future training workshops for business development
About the trainer
Andrew Govan, CEO – Wilderness Escape Outdoor Adventures
Andrew has operated a number of companies over the last 29 years in the field of adventure-based training, outdoor education and ecotourism. Andrew is a strong advocate for the outdoor sector with a long list of outdoor qualifications and many years experience. He has been involved in both of the South Australian AAS development processes and is a member of the Steering Committee for the Australian AAS. Andrew serves on many boards of State and National outdoor bodies and has a passion for ensuring the South Australian outdoor sector grows and our tourism industry is recognised as an area of excellence on a world scale.